3D Straw - Bebe's Kid Animated Music Video

I recently created this animated music video for a client that I’ve known for a long time, almost about 10 years. His name is 3D Straw and he is a Artist from North Carolina known for his unique style.

The visual is for his song “Bebe’s Kid on his new project Mutate the 3-D Straw Adventures. I don’t consider myself to be an Animator, but I like applying different creative techniques in my art. This visual was animated in Adobe After Effects and Characters were created using Adobe Illustrator.

3D Straw - Bebe’s Kid

This is actually the second animated video I’ve done for him. The first one was for a song entitled All I Do that I created in 2013. It’s wild to see the progression from then to now. Like I said earlier I’m not an Animator, so I’ve most likely done under 5 Animations since 2013. After watching both videos please leave a comment and let me know what you think of both animations and the progression of the craft.

3D Straw - All I Do

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